Further education of pedagogical workers to increase the quality of education at the schools of Olomouc Region
Investment into the Development of Education CZ1.07./1.3.13./02.0019
Basic data about the project
The project is led by the Secondary Technical School of Mechanical Engineering in Olomouc. It was started on 1 March 2010 and its operational period is planned to be 28 months – until 30 June 2012. Preparation phase of the project was preceded by a detailed research by the means of open discussions with pedagogical workers and head-masters of schools in the region. It was found out that the reform of school curriculum brought, among others, higher demands for the quality of work of pedagogical workers. The research helped to define the following minuses: – the competences of teachers in the area of communication technologies are often inadequate and are necessary to be developed- teachers need to improve their skills in operating modern communication technologies and using them in their work On the basis of the mentioned findings the main target of the project was defined: “To improve the quality of education at the schools in the Olomouc Region, focus on improving ICT skills and also strengthen the qualification of both pedagogical and non-pedagogical workers in the area of time management, stress management, and fundraising. The main target of the project will be fulfilled by the means of the following points:
improve ICT skills and especially their application in education
improve presentation skills and self-confidence of pedagogical workers
improve the accessibility, quality and attractiveness of the further education offered to pedagogical workers
prevent situations, when the ICT skills of teachers are worse than those of their students
improve the qualifications of teachers in the area of time management and stress management
improve the qualifications of teachers in the area of fundraising
11 educational modules will be prepared in the project, and 9 of them will be accredited:
1. basic terminology of information and communication technologies (ICT)
2. Usage of computers and file management
3. text editing
4. spreadsheet processor
5. databases
6. presentations
7. work with the Internet and communication
8. preparation of presentations with the help of presentation devices
9. presentation devices
10. time management and stress management
11. fundraising Modules 1 – 7 serve as a basis for passing ECDL exams and participation here is going to be interesting for teachers.Modules 8 – 9 are focused to the practical usage of presentation devices and familiarization of the participants with them and their application.Module no. 10 deals with time management and stress management, which is a crucial thing nowadays. It will teach the participants to cope with increasing demands of the employment market, to plan work effectively and to manage stress.Module no. 11, which is focused to fundraising, shows ways of searching alternative sources to finance planned activities.
The main contribution of the project is innovation in the area of application of information and communication technologies into the education process and overall improvement of competences of employees working at schools.