New forms of teaching with the support of ICT
Number of the operational programme: CZ.1.07
Name of the operational programme: Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme
Number of the priority axis: 7.1
Name of the priority axis: Initial Education
Number of the area of support: 7.1.1
Name of the area of support: Increasing quality in education
Number of the call: 02
Name of the call: Olomouc Region – Call No. 2 for Grant Projects – Area of Support 1.1
Type of the project: grant
Code of the priority theme: 72
Name of the priority theme: the design and introduction of reforms in education and training systems in order to develop employability, improving the labour market relevance of initial and vocational education and training and continually updating skills of training personnel with a view to innovation and a knowledge based economy.
Name of the project: New forms of teaching with the support of information and communication technologies
Shortened name of the project: Gaudeamus 2009
English name of the project: Gaudeamus 2009
Date of beginning of the project: 1 January 2010
Datum finishing the project: 30 June 2012
Period of the operation of the project in months: 29
Overall expenses: CZK 4,914,114.00
Brief summary of the project:
The main task of the project is to propose and evaluate new methods of application of informationa and communication technologies into teaching both specialized and general education subjects, involve more teachers in using these technologies, and thus increase the attractiveness of the education process for students. We want to reach this target by creating methodology, providing necessary technology, schooling the teachers and financially motivating them to create new educational materials. Instead of buying the software the teachers are will create the educational programmes by themselves, and thus they will to acquire the needed experience. The methodology created in this way should focus to active involvement of students into the education process. Therefore a set of laptops with online connection to information resources will be provided. As a result the students’ competences in using information and communication technologies for their further education and employment will be increased. This impact will be evaluated in the final document. Key activities of the project will be done by both target groups – teachers and students.
Aims of the project
The main aim is to introduce a new method increasing the proportion of application of ICT in the education process and to evaluate its impact on the quality of education. Partial aims are:
1. creating the METHODOLOGY (contents: how to create materials, how to use them in the education process)
2. increasing PRACTICAL competences of teachers in ICT application – by schooling
3. creating educational materials amd methodological sheets for both specialized and general education subjects
4. pilot evaluation of educational materials and methodological sheets in the concept of mobile classrooms (students are connected by LAPTOPS)
5. increasing students’ ICT competences
6. evaluating the impact of the method on the education process
7. presentation of our experience of the project at conferences for educational professionals
The project will proceed by the following steps:
– creating the methodology for making educational materials
– educating teacher to create educational materials
– creating educational materials and accompanying methodological sheets
– pilot evaluation of these modules in the education process
– application of these modules in combination with the Internet connection and support of ICT technologies
– making the ICT technologies accessible for both teachers and students for their afterschool activities in order to prepare for the education, prepare student works and so on.
The main outcomes will be:
1) Creating the methodology for teachers to make educational modules – 1 item, cca. 30 pages
2) Creating new educational modules – 13 items
3) Number of supported students who actively work with ICT in the education process – 660
4) Number of supported teachers who will increase their competences to use ICT in the education process – 13, among them 6 women and 7 men
5) Evaluating the impact of the project on the education process – 1 item, cca. 10 pages
6) Conference and other publication activities
The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic.